Mella’s Box, a book by a local author, will benefit 71 Elementary Schools and 34 Libraries in the region.
It is always the right time for giving, no matter the season. The Auxiliary to United Hospital Center (UHC) wants to make a difference in our region by sharing a book about the struggles with hunger, as it is real for many who live in our region. Mella’s Box, is the title of the book by local author, Hannah Povroznik. Mella, the main character, confronts the struggle that many people, young and old alike, experience with hunger.
“The book is a tribute to a journey in service and it serves as a constant reminder of the power of a single idea, as well as the impact a community can make,” said Hannah Povroznik. “Everyone deserves a place at the table, and we can all make a difference.”
These books are financed through the Auxiliary to UHC’s “Remembrance Fund”, which is a fund made in honor of or remembrance of volunteers or community members, so that the Auxiliary to UHC can make an impact on the lives of the residents in North Central West Virginia. Elementary schools and public libraries in fourteen counties will receive the book donation, which includes: Barbour, Braxton, Calhoun, Doddridge, Gilmer, Harrison, Lewis, Marion, Randolph, Ritchie, Taylor, Upshur, Webster, and Wetzel counties.
“Hannah’s act of kindness and her philanthropic message that she includes in her book, written when she was a senior in high school, certainly inspired the members of the Auxiliary,” said the Rev. Denise Steffich, CDVS, Auxiliary Coordinator, Acting Chaplain at UHC. “The positive impact that a book, such as Mella’s Box, can have is to provide comfort to those facing hunger and to shed light on a topic that is rarely discussed.”
Mella’s Box is available for purchase at Proceeds from book sales will benefit the Boxing It Up to Give Thanks! campaign for 2020. Since its inception in 2017, West Virginia student leaders have immensely changed the face of food insecurity for families in our area and it has united numerous communities in service.
Its presence in North Central West Virginia has provided meals for more than 12,000 individuals. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Boxing it Up to Give Thanks! will only continue to make a difference.
Please remember those in need, as we commit ourselves to service. For many, meeting the house payment, utilities, gasoline, and essential health needs interfere with the ability to provide for a holiday meal.

Hannah Povroznik, author of Mella’s Box, is presented a check for books to be distributed to 71 elementary schools and 34 libraries throughout the region from Carole Moodispaugh, Auxiliary to UHC, president. Pictured left, back row and social distanced: Sharon Montgomery, Auxiliary to UHC, president elect; Carol Gaynor, Auxiliary to UHC, board member; Helen McCarty, Auxiliary to UHC, past president; Don Niles, Auxiliary to UHC, board member; pictured left, middle row and social distanced: Lyda Lister, Auxiliary to UHC, board member; Mickey Petito, Auxiliary to UHC, treasurer; Peggy Barnett, Auxiliary to UHC, board member; Judy Gonzalez, Auxiliary to UHC, secretary; Elaine Ash, Auxiliary to UHC, board member; pictured left, front row and social distanced: Jean Allen, Auxiliary to UHC, board member; Hannah Povroznik, author of Mella’s Box; and Carole Moodispaugh, Auxiliary to UHC, president.
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