The UHC Pro-Am, hosted by WVU Medicine United Hospital Center (UHC), United Health Foundation (UHF), and title sponsor BlaineTurner Advertising (BTA), held this year’s event on Monday, September 26, at Pete Dye Golf Club in Bridgeport.
Since the tournament’s inception, the pro-am helped to bring the total amount of money raised to $610,000. The new WVU School of Nursing program on the UHC campus received state-of-the-art training equipment for the skills lab from this year’s proceeds.
Four-year title sponsor, BTA, donated $35,000 toward the fund-raising effort bringing their total contributions to more than $110,000.
This sold-out competition draws in 104 amateurs and 26 professional golfers from Canada, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia.
The unique partnership between United Hospital Center and WVU School of Nursing is the newest School of Nursing campus, which will offer the fast-track BS/BA to BSN nursing program, alongside state-of-the-art classrooms, and skills labs just steps away from the clinical facility at UHC.
The 2023 UHC Pro-Am is tentatively scheduled for Monday, September 25. We hope you will join us and come out to meet the golf pros.

Photo one from left: David F. Hess, M.D., President and CEO; Delbert Royce, CFO of BlaineTurner Advertising; Will Evans, golf pro; Ginna Royce, CEO, Creative Director of BlaineTurner Advertising; and Sarah Rogers, President of BlaineTurner Advertising, presented Evans with the check for the 2022 UHC Pro-Am Champion.

Photo two from left: Jay Schartzmiller, WVU Medicine; Logan Perkins, Golf Pro; Kevin Halbritter, M.D., WVU Medicine; and Doug Coffman, WVU Medicine, participated in this year’s tournament that netted $150,000 for the WVU School of Nursing program on the UHC campus.

Photo three: Golfer reading the putt at the sold-out tournament.

Photo four: Ranked #87 on Golf Digest’s ranking of America’s 100 Greatest Courses, Pete Dye Golf Club was once again the location of the fourth annual UHC Pro-Am, hosted by WVU Medicine United Hospital Center (UHC), United Health Foundation (UHF), and title sponsor BlaineTurner Advertising, Inc. (BTA).

Photo five: Gerardo C. Lopez, MD, WVU Heart & Vascular Institute in Bridgeport, tees it up for the fourth annual UHC Pro-Am.
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