Hepatitis Internet Question

Jul 26, 2019

How can viral hepatitis be prevented?

Safe and effective vaccines are widely available for the prevention of both Hepatitis A and B. Vaccination against HBV is strongly recommended for Healthcare workers, Hemodialysis patients, those having multiple sex partners, men who have sex with men, prisoners, infants born to infected mothers or those who may be caring for someone with Hepatitis.

Screening blood used for transfusion can prevent transmission of Hepatitis B and C.

Safer sex practices, including minimizing the number of partners and using barrier (condom) protective measures has been shown to protect against HBV and HCV transmission.

As well as avoiding endangering practices like IV drug use, piercings/tattooings by non-certified individuals.

For IV drug users, if you are going to inject, use a clean needle and don’t share your needle or cocaine straw.

Practice good hand hygiene and wash your fruits and vegetables before consuming.

This content was originally posted on the WDTV News website here.

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