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Physical Activity During Pregnancy, Part I

May 10, 2024

Welcome back to UHC’s House Call on WDTV. Dr. Kristen Sepp, a physical therapist at United Rehab, is here to discuss the importance of physical activity during pregnancy.

1). Should women be concerned about physical activity during pregnancy?

Physical activity is safe and healthy during and after pregnancy — and it can help you feel better right away by:

  • boosting your mood
  • sharpening your focus
  • reducing your stress
  • improving your sleep

When you’re active, it’s easier to keep up with your kids as they grow!

2). What specifically is the benefit to exercise during pregnancy?

Getting active during pregnancy can lead to a shorter labor and faster recovery. Plus, it can make it less likely you’ll have complications such as:

  • gestational diabetes (a type of diabetes that occurs during pregnancy),
  • preeclampsia (a condition that causes high blood pressure and other problems), and
  • postpartum depression

3). How much activity does one need?

  • Look for physical activity that is moderate-intensity aerobic activity like walking or swimming. This would be anything that gets your heart beating faster counts and is at least 150 minutes a week.
  • To prepare for the additional load of carrying a child, look to build muscle mass by strength training! Perform exercises that make your muscles work harder than usual at least two days a week.

If this is more than you can do right now, start with just five minutes. It all adds up!

This content was originally posted on the WDTV News website here.

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