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Physical Activity in Kids, Part IV

Jun 07, 2024

Kids need physical activity to grow up strong and healthy. Daily exercise can even help them feel better. Joining us is a physical therapist from United Hospital Center’s United Rehab to help answer your questions concerning physical activity for children.

I am Dr. Kristen Sepp, physical therapist at United Rehab, and I am here to discuss the importance of physical activity for children.

1). What does physical activity do for children?

Moving more can give your child a boost in many ways. It increases energy and self-confidence, while helping a child to feel relaxed. It is also true that physical activity can help a child to do better in school. So help your child to get active every day and feel great!

2). What kind of activity does a child need?

You want your child to get a mix of activity. Seek out exercise that strengthens bones, builds muscle, and makes their heart beat faster. Bones need pressure to get stronger- so try activities like running and jumping rope.

3). Earlier in this interview series you said that 60 minutes of daily physical activity is important. Can you break up the 60 minutes throughout the day?

Absolutely! You can split those minutes of physical activity any way that works best for your child. The daily goal is to accumulate 60 minutes of physical activity over the course of the day. Some good ideas to get your 60 minutes in is to:

  • Before school—walk to your bus stop or even walk to school
  • At recess—play with friends
  • After school—walk your dog

This content was originally posted on the WDTV News website here.

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