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Physical Activity in Children, Part I

May 17, 2024

Kids need physical activity to grow up strong and healthy. Daily exercise can even help them feel better. Joining us is a physical therapist from United Hospital Center’s United Rehab to help answer your questions concerning physical activity for children.

I am Dr. Kristen Sepp, physical therapist at United Rehab, and I am here to discuss the importance of physical activity for children.

1). How much physical activity should a child get?

Kids and teens ages 6 to 17 need at least 60 minutes of exercise every day. Most of it can be moderate-intensity aerobic activity. Anything that gets their heart beating faster counts. At least three days a week, encourage your kids to step it up to vigorous-intensity aerobic activity.

2). What is an easy way to tell whether your exercise is moderate or vigorous-intensity?

Use the “talk test” to find out. When you’re being active, try talking:

  • If you’re breathing hard, but can still have a conversation easily, it’s moderate-intensity activity.
  • If you can only say a few words before you must take a breath, it’s vigorous-intensity activity.

3). What are some areas of focus that children should include in their weekly activity?

Muscle-strengthening activity should be included three days a week as part of your child’s exercise regimen. This would include any activity that makes a child’s muscles work harder, such as climbing or swinging on monkey bars.

Also, bone-strengthening activity should be included three days a week. Bones need pressure to get stronger. Running, jumping, and other weight-bearing activities all count.

This content was originally posted on the WDTV News website here.

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